My story will never be about Success.
It’s simply about the telling. Finding a place.
And maybe within that, I’ll find a way to matter.
This. Is. Me.
☀️ 🌚
All the women I’ve been these years.
A daughter.
A student.
A wife, a mom.
A writer always.
Through different times, and different places,
A heart that smiled, or a soul that ached.
I’ve sang out loud and danced under stars,
I’ve wept too hard for things this world can’t understand;
So many steps that wrote so many chapters
Still I know it’s the last one that matters;
Yet no words can tell the whole of the tale,
but the eyes speak when the tongue fails ...
No matter what name you know me by,
My strength, my truth rests in the one called Survivor
Thanks for the lessons 2019 🙏🏻
