The Sea,
Once it casts it's Spell;
Holds one in its net of Wonder forever.
~ Jacques Cousteau
The day has been long. The road winding. The children are tired and restless. And you've got miles to go before you sleep.
What do you do?
You catch a wave.
It was still early evening when we arrived -- the daylight is a bit longer this far North - and the fine white sand beach and crystal clear water was easily visible in the waning light. So much so, for a brief moment you don't feel like you are in Canada anymore. Rather some far distant tropical oasis.
And if you have been in the car with 3 children for several hours, after a long day of packing to drive the over 1,300 km back home from your vacation; I do mean OASIS.
Catherine Cove is a hidden gem. There is a day use area that has public washrooms and picnic tables. The water is shallow enough that young children can enjoy the waves safely.
And there will be waves. This is Lake Superior - the biggest of all the Great Lakes. Second biggest fresh water lake in the world. We saw the waves rolling crashing with fury onto the beach from the highway. The kids had never seen waves like this.
Could you resist? Left Brain, being Left Brain'd was eyeing the clock on the dash. Miles to go before we sleep.
I sighed the deep weary women's sigh. Resigned myself to another 2 hours stuck in the car. And the kids begging for a swim at the hotel when we finally arrived. Likely around 10 pm. *sigh* The sigh you make as you watch opportunity fly on by.
Then I felt the car begin to enter a 3 point turn.

The road less traveled!!! The children agreed. For about an hour, as the sun continued it's slow descent, they jumped, rolled, screamed, laughed and were knocked over backwards and dragged more than a few times.
They could not get enough. They were fully dressed. I didn't even have towels handy.
I was fully dressed. And soon soaked to the waist. Left Brain was trying to keep his iPhone dry while snapping pics, until he too finally gave in to the pull of the waves.
I didn't even bother with my camera. I just watched them. Dear Friends who try to get me to do things in your timing: THIS is how you do spontaneity.
THIS is how you suck the marrow out of life. Some times, though the distance ahead be great; you just have to linger in the golden moments of Now. This is where you find the #onegoodthing in a long journey.